Research Insights


Addressing Veterans’ Needs through Sequencing Care

Veterans transitioning to civilian life encounter a complex web of challenges, and the fragmented system of care often leaves them underserved and overwhelmed in the process of attempting to receive support. New research from NNSI finds that a holistic approach to addressing veterans’ needs is imperative. But most veteran serving organizations operate in silos, without the needed coordination to address everyday co-occurring needs.  A new report from the Network for

Two people filling out a form on a clipboard. The person holding the clipboard is a doctor.

U.S. Potential Path to Addressing Health-Related Social Needs: Drawing Lessons from State Innovations

Today, 40% of Americans face significant material hardship, which includes limited access to vital resources such as nutritious food, medical care, affordable housing, and essential utilities. Yet, the support provided by social service agencies and nonprofit organizations reaches less than 16% of those struggling with material hardship, leaving the majority to manage on their own. What happens when someone cannot pay rent or has a disconnected phone? These unmet health-related

A photographer standing at a field at sunrise
Research Insights

The Landscape of Science Communication in the Video Content Creation Community: Connecting Research to Practice

By Reyhaneh Maktoufi If you turn on the TV, some channel is likely broadcasting a nature documentary. If you look it up on YouTube, you can watch a long- or short-form documentary film or show on almost any topic in science.   Science documentaries are a powerful tool to change attitudes and behaviors if used correctly. The Blackfish, for example, is a 2013 documentary that brought attention to captive killer

Nonprofit Capacity

How do boards of directors influence nonprofit capacity?

By Brett Mayfield   Nonprofit boards are a governing body of individuals responsible for the organizations’ affairs and conduct (Herman & Renz, 2000). While board members play a vital role in nonprofit management, little research exists about these individuals’ active roles in collaboration with other organizations. With little discussion about what board members bring to the table, leaders may not know what is valuable to look for in new members

Research Insights

NVSQ China Capacity

By Brett Mayfield   When non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as nonprofits seek to make an impact and achieve goals, they need the organizational capacity to do so. In recent decades, capacity-building has become more and more popular among NGOs worldwide. With such a wide variety of social issues to be tackled and few reliable capacity measures available to NGOs, Shumate et al. developed the Nonprofit Capacity Instrument in 2017. They

Research Insights

Research Summary: Implementing culturally competent transplant care and implications for reducing health disparities

By Brett Mayfield   Health inequalities continue to pose a significant public health problem, so nonprofit leaders often must intervene with this challenge head-on. However, these interventions are usually not widely practiced or not delivered as initially planned, even though effective evidence-based interventions are available today. Unfortunately, ongoing inequalities continue in the public health sphere because organizations often face significant barriers to implementing these interventions. To confront these health disparities,