By Elizabeth Graddy, Christine M. Beckman, Tina Dacin, Michelle Shumate
The symposium, Philanthropy & Social Impact is organized by the USC’s Sol Price School of Public Policy, home of The Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy.
The symposium is conceived based on the premise that despite a growing understanding of how philanthropy, nonprofit organizations, and social innovation can advance social change, there have been too few opportunities to come together as a scholarly community to take stock of those intellectual developments, and to consider the most promising avenues for moving the research forward. The symposium blends three plenary sessions:
1. Scaling Impact: Philanthropic Strategy
2. Working Together: Organizations, Partnerships, and Networks
3. Creating Change: Social Movements and Community Engagement
with twelve panels of research papers that address the same themes from a range of disciplines and perspectives, utilizing an array of methods.