care coordination


Addressing Veteran’s Needs through Holistic Care

Veteran-serving organizations address various needs, including healthcare, mental health care, housing and homeless assistance, and financial and employment assistance. Many needs are co-occurring. For instance, if a veteran wishes to get a job, they might require additional needs in transportation, education, or financial literacy guidance. The influence of social determinants of health—such as violence, housing instability, financial/employment problems, lack of access to transportation, and psychosocial needs—on veterans’ lives is significant.


Addressing Veterans’ Needs through Sequencing Care

Veterans transitioning to civilian life encounter a complex web of challenges, and the fragmented system of care often leaves them underserved and overwhelmed in the process of attempting to receive support. New research from NNSI finds that a holistic approach to addressing veterans’ needs is imperative. But most veteran serving organizations operate in silos, without the needed coordination to address everyday co-occurring needs.  A new report from the Network for