Nonprofit Capacity

Nonprofit Capacity

Virtual Event Technologies During the Pandemic

By Kate Zilke and Sahiba Borisuth   As the world marks the first anniversary of the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, nonprofit organizations are looking back on how they’ve managed to adapt their in-person events to virtual settings. Hosting events is crucial to an organization’s fulfillment of its strategic goals. Organizations have faced the critical challenge of shifting their in-person events to virtual platforms supporting their programming and providing an

Nonprofit Capacity

Technology for Fundraising During COVID-19

By Kate Zilke and Brett Mayfield   The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on organizations, with the nonprofit sector scrambling for funding as major donors and foundations take more economically conservative measures for their survival. Without their usually reliable funding, nonprofits have had to get creative to maintain the necessary financial capacity for their campaigns and programs. By adopting and adapting new technologies to their fundraising strategies, nonprofits

Nonprofit Capacity

Technology for Collaborating with Other Organizations

By Kate Zilke and Brett Mayfield   The COVID-19 pandemic has made for a year of adjustments in almost every aspect of our lives to protect the health of our communities––including the ways we collaborate to make a social impact. From virtual staff meetings to working from our laptops, nonprofits have needed to implement a lot of technology to continue reaching their goals. After an entire year, what technologies have

Nonprofit Capacity

How do boards of directors influence nonprofit capacity?

By Brett Mayfield   Nonprofit boards are a governing body of individuals responsible for the organizations’ affairs and conduct (Herman & Renz, 2000). While board members play a vital role in nonprofit management, little research exists about these individuals’ active roles in collaboration with other organizations. With little discussion about what board members bring to the table, leaders may not know what is valuable to look for in new members

Nonprofit Capacity

What is divergent thinking, and why should nonprofits practice it?

In the nonprofit world, where resources are often shared, limited, and sometimes even restrictive, one phrase is common in boardrooms and project meetings: let’s get creative. However, creativity sometimes seems to be a gift that some people have, and others don’t. The phrase “let’s get creative” never really answers how to get creative and practice it for what it is: a valuable skill in every workplace.  At NNSI, many of

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Nonprofit Capacity

Nonprofit Capacity: A guide for foundations

Foundations, technical assistance organizations, and government programs often claim to promote nonprofit capacity. But, many times, it’s not clear what they mean.  Merriam Webster defines capacity as “the facility or power to produce, perform, or deploy.” Nonprofit capacity is the facility of nonprofits to produce, perform, or deploy their resources. It’s not the same as effectiveness. Instead, it describes the ability of a nonprofit to accomplish its organizational goals and