By Reyhaneh Maktoufi If you turn on the TV, some channel is likely broadcasting a nature documentary. If you look it up on YouTube, you can watch a long- or short-form documentary film or show on almost any topic in science. Science documentaries are a powerful tool to change attitudes and behaviors if used correctly. The Blackfish, for example, is a 2013 documentary that brought attention to captive killer whales
Our previous blog, “Referral data metrics: what they are, what exists, and why they are important,” outlined the five data metrics that inform navigation systems: quality control metrics, demand metrics, supply metrics, referral metrics, and system impact metrics. If you haven’t read the previous entry, check it out first because this article extends this discussion of referral metrics. In this article, we describe essential improvements to metrics that are not
Navigation systems are increasingly utilizing data to improve their practices. From the microcosmic measurement of client demand in each zip code to the macrocosmic measurement of whether navigation systems improve the environment around them: data can drive the growth, improvement, and success of care. Still, navigation systems are far from fully utilizing the potential of the data all around them. This blog will demonstrate the critical role of data and
As shown in our previous blog, “Understanding and navigating saturated referral landscapes,” the number of navigation systems is exploding. But, not all navigation systems are created equal. In this blog, we evaluate four common navigation designs and inspect the implications of each respective design. Recall from our last blog: Navigation systems are organizational arrangements designed to support individuals in locating and obtaining valuable benefits, programs, and services. These Navigation systems
Finding and accessing help can be daunting. Individuals in need must figure out where to start, who to ask for help from, and how to go about receiving that help. Navigation systems have recently been introduced as a solution to aid these individuals in overcoming these barriers. Navigation systems are organizational arrangements designed to support individuals in locating and obtaining valuable benefits, programs, and services. In other words, navigation systems
View the Resource By Elisa J. Gordon, Jefferson J. Uriarte, Jungwha Lee, Raymong Kang, Michelle Shumate, Richard Ruiz, Amit K. Mathur, Daniela P. Ladner, Juan Carlos Caicedo Hispanic patients receive disproportionately fewer living donor kidney transplants (LDKTs) than non-Hispanic Whites (NHWs). The Northwestern Medicine Hispanic Kidney Transplant Program (HKTP), designed to increase Hispanic LDKTs, was evaluated as a nonrandomized, implementation-effectiveness hybrid trial of patients initiating transplant evaluation at two intervention and